KARVAL Services
Towing Services
We provide our clients with safe and precise harbour towing services at every Greek port.
We offer a wide range of suitable tug boats, pontoons, barges and even mobile cranes manned by highly skilled professionals who adhere to strict standards for safety, environmental and regulatory compliance.
The towing services can be offered from small tonnage vessels up the largest vessels that call Greek commercial ports for the safe berthing at the pier. Also, Canal Passage Towing assistance can be arranged since it’s mandatory from local Port Authorities in numerous Transit Canals such as:
- Corinth Canal
- Eleusis Canal
All the above can be arranged before the vessel’s arrival or departure and even on pinch of an eye when there is an emergency case for stand by alongside the ship.
We make sure that there is a clear and convenient communication between the vessel’s Captain, the local Port Pilot that comes on board as well as the tug boats Captains in order to minimize respective Port Shifting costs while maintaining the safety standards extremely high.
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